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Sunday, December 30, 2007

Where to Begin?

With the start of a brand new year just around the corner, I have had many people ask if classes will start to pick up with clients making New Years resolutions. Thankfully, I have a wonderful group of dedicated clients that understand the importance of taking class on a regular basis year round. To them, Pilates has become a way of life....not just an exercise fad. If you are planning on starting up with a Pilates program here are a few things to keep in mind.

If you are new to Pilates the best place to start is with private sessions. One on one time is crucial to learning all the different elements in the Pilates method and being able to maintain proper form is important when first learning the exercises. This can also give you an opportunity to ask questions and your trainer can also help you construct a weekly program that will suit your goals and needs.

Pilates is most effective when done 2-3 times a week. Make sure that you vary your workouts with a variety of different classes. Take a mat class, an equipment class and/or a private session. There are over 500 exercises in the method and mixing up the routine will help keep the body challenged. When you stick to just one class like an equipment classes or mat class you tend loose a ton of other exercises that are crucial to the method.

If you can't make it to class for some reason have a few videos on hand and do your workout at home. One of my favorite video series is from "The Method". Precision Toning, Target Specifics and The Lotte Burke Method are on the top of my list for great videos.

Have a happy and healthy New Year!

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